Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Signs that the New Soviet May Strike - Oldie But Goodie

I was looking around a bit to start this blog back up, and ran across these analyses from JR Nyquist:

Surprise nuclear missile attack - Part 1


Surprise nuclear missile attack - Part 2


I think that if you read them, they'll still be fresh, almost 11 years later. My personal musing is that with the election of GW Bush, it reset the Russian plans. After all, he was a relative hawk compared to Clinton, a warlord compared to Al Gore, and aggressively pursued missile defense. Russia was not expecting Bush to win the 2000 election - so they had to wait.

Now we have the O, willing and able to gut missile defense, voluntarily disarm a great deal of our nuclear triad, and generally act as a blabbermouth milquetoast egotist. The narrative for preparing a New Soviet strike against the West makes sense again, under these new conditions.

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