Monday, August 17, 2009

Something Interesting Regarding Civil War II Here and Elsewhere

I found the following while reading 'Civil War Two' by Thomas W. Chittum, page 110:

When will Civil War II actually erupt? There is no scientific formula or mathematical equation that will give us the date. Instead, we must turn our attention to the demographic forces propelling us toward Civil War II, our ongoing transformation from a stable monoethnic nation into an unstable multiethnic empire. Not all history can be explained by this single engine of demographic transformation. Other factors can and do decide the boundaries and fates of empires and nations. However, the concept of nationality has been the dominate historical factor, at least since the industrial revolution. The more monoethnic a nation is, the less chance a secondary tribe will break off and form a new nation, or unite with their co-ethnics in an adjacent nation.
The more monoethnic a nation is, the less likely a neighboring country will try to carve off a slice inhabited by its coethnics as Nazi Germany seized the Sudentenland of Czechoslovakia. The more monoethnic a nation is, the more likely its citizens will unite and fight foreign invaders, thus again increasing the chances of territorial integrity.

It is certainly a book dealing with civil unrest in the USA, but I think there is something to be said for what Chittum wrote in regards to a larger geopolitical theater. While we may have a multi-ethnic society here that is becoming increasingly balkanized, it certainly is the case of Georgia and the breakaway South Ossetia region. In the case of that chunk of Georgia being broken away, it is because the New Soviet flooded the region with Russian-ethnic citizens, thus creating a 'crisis' whereupon Russia claimed a responsibility to help them. Others have written of this strategy, and I claim no special insight on this point.

What I intend to point out is that such infiltration and prying away of territory is not exclusive to Georgia at this point in time, nor is it a new idea by those who practice it. We are experiencing such a bit of history in the United States, and it makes me wonder if our own balkanization is by design.

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